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Megans Alpha Male1-- pdf Page 2
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Nik threw his head back and laughed. His deep gravelly voice sent shivers down her spine.
Oh God she was in so much trouble. She squirmed in her seat as she felt more cream leak out to wet her panties.
“Touche. You are definitely less of a mouse than I first thought. It will be a pleasure getting to know you. Please, eat. It would be selfish of me to keep you talking, and allow the food to become cold.” Meg listened to Nik and Stefan talk throughout the meal. She was beginning to relax, as the wine she had begun to work through her system. She found herself answering Nik's questions automatically, when he spoke to her.
“Do you have any family, Megan?”
“No, both my parents are deceased and I have no siblings.”
“No cousins, aunt, uncles, anyone?”
“No, just me.”
“You must be very lonely,” Nik stated quietly.
“No. I have great friends. Stefan is my best friend and I have a work colleague I go out with regularly,” Meg stated, as she glanced to Nik.
Nik could see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. She had not known Stefan that long; and as far as his brother had advised, the colleague had only just started inviting Meg out, so she could get her claws into Stefan. Stefan had brushed her aside, and since then the colleague had stopped asking Meg out. Pride would not allow her to let anyone know she was lonely. Nik vowed then and there, his mate would never be alone again.
“Would you like dessert?” Nik asked.
“No, thank you. I've had too much to eat already.
The meal was delicious.”
“You need to put more meat on your bones, Meg. I like to be able to hold my woman in my arms, without the fear of hurting her,” Stefan stated from across the table.
“I am the perfect weight for my height, thank you very much. If I put on any more weight, I'd be considered fat,” Meg snapped.
“Some men like a little meat on their women, Meg. Not everyone is attracted to skin covered skeletons,” Nik stated.
“Are you telling me, I am too thin?” Meg asked indignantly.
“No. You are absolutely perfect, but you would not be unattractive if you had a little more weight covering your bones.”
“Thanks, I think.”
“You are such a joy, мой помощник (my mate).
Come, we will adjourn to the pool room,” Nik stated, rising to his feet. He pulled her chair back and allowed Meg to stand. He took her hand in his and led her to the billiards room and seated her on a sofa.
Meg watched Nik and Stefan play a game of pool as she sipped another glass of wine. She felt very warm and relaxed, her eyes betrayed her time and again as they wandered over to Nik constantly.
Nik knew his mate was struggling to keep her eyes off him. He hid the smile of satisfaction he felt, every time her gaze perused his body. He knew he was going to have to claim her, bite her soon, to make her his. He didn't want another pack member chasing after her. She was his and there was no way he was going to let another male, besides his brother near her.
He finished the game of pool with Stefan and turned towards Meg. He saw her cheeks flame when she realized he had caught her staring at him.
“Do you play, Meg?”
“Would you like to learn?” Nik asked.
“Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.”
“Come, I will teach you. We will play against Stefan together.”
Nik helped Meg from the sofa and led her to the pool table. He placed her in front of the white ball as Stefan took the triangle away from the contained balls. He enveloped her in his arms and body heat as he showed her how to hold the cue and line up the white ball with the colored balls. He couldn't resist the urge to push his hard cock into the soft flesh of her ass.
The whole length of his body was against her and she couldn't breathe. She tried to regulate her breaths, by taking a couple of deep noiseless gasps and letting them out slowly. She was in heaven and hell. He was turning her into a mass of trembling nerves. She couldn't take in anything he was saying to her regarding the rules of the game, so she just drew the cue back and hit the white ball. She missed hitting any other ball, then turned around to face Nik and pass him the cue. He was so close to her she could see little golden flecks in his eyes.
“I...I think I'll just watch. You should play with your brother, since he knows what he is doing.” Nik leaned down to whisper into Meg's ear. His hot breath sent a shiver down her spine, “Coward.” Meg didn't bother to respond. She edged her way along the table until she could move around Nik, without touching him.
“Sire, Malcolm is here and would like a word with you,” Harry stated from the door, as he bowed to Nik.
“Send him in, thanks Harry,” Nik replied.
“Sire,” Malcolm stated as he walked towards Nik.
When he was a meter away he bowed low until Nik told him to stand. “Thank you for seeing me.”
“Malcolm, I would like to introduce you to Megan Harvey, мой помощникмой (my Mate). Megan this is Malcolm Strand, he takes care of my security,” Nik stated.
“мой помощник, (my Queen), I am pleased to meet you,” Malcolm stated with another bow.
“You too, Malcolm,” Meg stated with a frown.
Why did everyone bow around here? And what was with the Russian? Anyone would think they were royalty. But that couldn't be the case, because she knew damn well she was nowhere near royalty.
Megan watched as Nik and Malcolm interacted on the other side of the room, out of hearing distance.
Whatever Malcolm was telling Nik, wasn't making him happy. In fact he looked down right angry. She hoped like hell she was never on the receiving end of his anger. Nik looked so ferocious; she was scared he was going to hit poor Malcolm.
Nik glanced over towards Meg and must have seen the fear in her eyes. He turned his back to her so she could no longer see his face.
“Meg, why don't I get you another drink? What sort of games do you like to play, sweetheart?” Stefan asked as he came to stand in front of her, blocking her view of Nik and Malcolm.
“I think I've had enough wine, thanks Stefan, but I would love a cup of coffee. I love to play Backgammon and I like Chess, but I am not very good at it.”
“Stefan, we have a problem I need you to help Malcolm sort out. I will make sure Meg is entertained,” Nik stated, moving back across the room toward Meg.
“Actually, I think I should head on up to bed. It's been a long day and I am becoming rather fatigued,” Meg stated as she stood.
“Your coffee, Miss Megan,” Harry the butler, stated as he entered the room. He placed a tray with cups, sugar and a jug of milk, on the low coffee table, bowed to her and Nik then left again.
How the hell did Harry know she wanted coffee?
No one had left the room to tell him. This place and the people in it were beginning to make her feel as if she was living a dream world.
Nik moved to Megan's side, slid an arm around her slim waist and led her back to the sofa. When she was seated he sat down next to her and turned his head to hers.
“How do you like your coffee, Meg?”
“Black, no sugar, thanks. Can I ask you something Nik?”
“Yes, ask away?”
“Why does everyone keep bowing?”
“I really don't think you're ready to hear the answer to that question yet.”
“Oh for goodness sakes. I am not a child, you know. I am a fully grown, adult female. Just because I am not very tall, people tend to treat me like a child. I have had it with you and your holier than thou attitude. You are treating me like an imbecile,” Meg stated, as she rose from the sofa, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.
Nik stood in front of her, reached out and took her by the arms to prevent her from moving away from him.
“I know you aren't a child. I just don't think you are ready for the answers to your questions yet,” he stated, gazing down into her
“Try me,” Meg snapped out.
“Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you, Meg,” Nik stated, then took a deep breath. “We are all werewolves, and you are my mate.”
Meg felt her mouth drop open at Nik's statement.
Then when his words finally sank in; she threw her head back and laughed. Oh God, he was loony. How could such a hunk be so crazy. She laughed until she felt tears prick her eyes, now he had her on the edge of hysteria. She stopped laughing abruptly and looked at the man still holding her. She saw the seriousness in his eyes and felt her mouth twitch again with amusement.
“If you laugh again, so help me, I will kiss the laugh right out of you. I am not crazy.”
“Sure you're not. I think it's time I went home.
Could you please order me a cab?” Meg asked pulling away, then moved across the room to the door.
“You are not leaving, Megan. If I have to lock you in your room, I will,” Nik stated firmly as he stalked her.
“You can't keep me here against me will. That's bloody well kidnapping. I'll call the police and they will come and get me out of here.”
“No, they won't. I will prove to you, I am what I said,” Nik stated as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He picked her up in his arms and walked back to the sofa. He gently placed her on the sofa and moved the coffee table out of the way. “Watch me, Megan.”
Meg watched Nik with trepidation as his form began to shimmer; the lines of his body began to blur.
She heard terrible cracking sounds as she watched Nik's body begin to contort. His mouth and nose elongated to form a fur covered muzzle. Meg shoved herself back into the sofa cushions and lifted her feet from the floor. She must have blinked, because the next moment standing before her was a very large wolf with piercing, blue eyes and black fur. She gave a whimper as the wolf moved towards her and covered her head with her arms.
“I will not hurt you. I have already told you that.
Why do you fear me, Megan?” Nik asked, using his unique were powers as he pushed his thoughts into Megan's head. “Megan, look at me.”
Meg slowly lowered her arms and stared at the big black wolf. She had the insane thought of her being Little Red Riding Hood, as the wolf continued to look at her.
Nik moved forward slowly, cautiously, until he was only centimeters away from his mate. He gently nuzzled her hand with his head, trying to convince her to pat him. He gave a groan of appreciation as she slid her hands through his silky fur.
“Can you understand me, Nik?”
“Yes, Megan.”
“How the bloody hell is this even possible?
Doesn't it hurt when you change like that? Where do your clothes go? Does anyone else know of the existence of werewolves? What am I doing? I am just as crazy as you are. I am talking to a werewolf, or maybe I've been drugged and am hallucinating.” Nik's wolf began to shimmer once more and Meg quickly removed her hand. The cracking and popping sounds of his contorting bones, made her wince with sympathy. Once more Nik was standing in front of her fully clothed. He pulled the coffee table back within reach of the sofa and handed Meg her mug of coffee.
“Breathe. Drink your coffee and I will explain.
Werewolves have been on Earth since the beginning of time. We have evolved to what we are, just as humans have. We are the same as a human being, just, with more genetics. My parents were werewolves and everyone you meet here, in my home is also a werewolf. We have the power to change our body shape into wolves, but we do not have to wait for a full moon to do so. That is a myth created by humans. A werewolf cannot change shape until they reach puberty. The first few times we change can be painful, but we become accustomed, our bodies more supple. We don't really know what happens to our clothing. There have been a few theories regarding this, but I think they just, disappear when we change into our wolves and then reappear, when we become human once more. Do you have any other questions, Meg?” Nik asked as he took her hand within his own.
“What is a mate?”
“You are my mate. You are the equivalent to my
'wife' in human terms.”
“How can you say that? You don't even know me and I don't know you,” Meg stated with agitation, as she got to her feet once more; and began pacing.
“I can tell by your scent, Megan. You smell of vanilla, earth and woman. Your scent draws me to you,” Nik stated, walking toward her. “No. Please don't be afraid of me and back away. I would never, ever, hurt you.”
“I can't believe this. How can you expect me to believe any of this? God, I am losing my mind.”
“No, you are as sane as I am. How can you refute what you have seen with your own eyes? You know what I am saying is true. I showed you what I am.
How can you deny us?” Nik stated angrily.
“You need to give me some time to process everything. I didn't even know werewolves existed until moments ago. Next you will tell me, witches, vampires and ghosts exist as well.”
“They do exist, Megan. Not everything is fiction.
There has to be a little bit of truth to every myth, don't you think?” Nik asked.
“I suppose so. You have totally blown my mind, Nik. I just don't know what to think anymore.”
“Then don't think. Just feel,” Nik stated, as he pulled Meg over onto his lap and placed his lips against hers.
He slid his mouth gently over hers, seeking a reaction to his own passion. When Meg gave a sigh and breathed out, he took advantage and deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue over the seam of her mouth, seeking entrance. When she complied, Nik gave a growl of approval and devoured her. His kiss was so carnal, it was a wonder they didn't burst into flames.
When he felt Meg slump against his body in surrender, he slid a hand up her rib cage and stroked the side of her breast. When she didn't protest or move away, he moved his hand over her soft fleshy mound and kneaded her gently. She thrust her chest into his hand begging for more. He flicked his thumb over the hardening nipple, taking her moan of pleasure into his mouth. He wanted to lay her down on the floor and fuck her so badly, but knew she wasn't ready for that, so he weaned his mouth from hers until he was sipping at her mouth. He lifted his head and looked into her passion glazed eyes.
“We were meant for each other, Megan. Come, I will walk you to your room,” Nik stated as he lifted her from his lap. He held Megan around the waist as she wobbled on her feet, and had to hide his smile of satisfaction from her. He loved that he was able to make her boneless with desire.
“I can find my own way back to my room,” Megan stated haughtily, as she pulled away from his grip and headed to the door.
“Goodnight,” Nik stated, as he watched her leave the room. He had to hold in his mirth as she ignored his platitude.
Nik went in search of his brother and Malcolm. He had a problem he needed to deal with.
Chapter Three
Nik found his Beta brother, Stefan, in the kitchen with his other Beta's, (second to their Alpha), Malcolm, Seamus and Logan. Stefan was talking to his equals, as they tried to hash out a plan to confront another pack, which had apparently decided they wanted in on his territory. Harry was serving coffee and Nik knew he would inject his opinions to the conversation if needed. Harry had been his father's Beta, but had decided to retire and become his butler, when his parents had died. Harry was like a second father to him and Stefan, but Nik knew he could trust him with his life, if it was necessary.
“Do any of you know why the Malibu Pack has suddenly decided they want our territory?” Nik asked, as he took a seat at the kitchen table.
“No Sire, we have no idea. I have Stacey trying to hack into their computer system. Hopefully she will be able to give us a heads up,” Malcolm stated.
“Seamus, since you are the fastest and strongest of my Beta's. I would like you to be my mate’s bodyguard. I want you to follow her everywhere she goes. The only reason you will not be with her, is when I am. I want you to post one of the thirds, Omega's, to g
uard Meg's door at night. You can rotate them so they don't become too tired.”
“Thank you, Sire. You do me a great honor. It would be a privilege to protect your mate, my Queen,” Seamus stated, with a deferential bow.
“Logan, I want you to see if you can find out why the Malibu Pack are so interested in our territory.
There has to be a good reason. We've never had any trouble with them before. I want an update first thing in the morning. We'll reconvene here at seven am.
Thank you for the heads up Malcolm. I want you to help Seamus protecting my mate. I'll see you in the morning, guys,” Nik stated in dismissal, watching his male pack members leave the room. “Harry, you didn't have anything to add. Do you have any idea why the Malibu Pack would want to encroach on my territory?”
“Sire, there is only one explanation I can think of.